Wednesday, February 24, 2010

24th February 2010 - Gibb River Road Looks Doubtful

The fitter who was going to fabricate the lowered footrests for my VFR had cold feet about it all. He was worried that if I had a crash he might cop the blame. Seems like everyone is scared of doing any mods to bikes these day. I'll just have to do it myself next time.

Anyway I'll try the GRR on the bog standard VFR and see how I go. I'm not phased by dirt roads, but 700 kms might get a bit much for my back! The Pentecost River is also a bit of a concern for a road bike. At least my air intake is right up behind the steering head if I drop it in the river. Alan can always help me pick it up and chase away the crocs.

1 comment:

  1. This is so very, very INTERESTING (yawn).
    What I can't work out is who the hell is this COLIN bloke?

    Must be the guy in the sixties-retro red leathers. Cool or what!?
